Blog, Faith

Normalize kindness

Let’s normalize being kind and expecting nothing in return.

There was a time when someone was kind to you when you had nothing to give. They shared a smile when all you had were tears, bitterness, and a broken heart.

Someone blessed you, randomly, financially… when you had absolutely nothing and didn’t know when or if you could ever repay them.

Someone forgave you after you wronged them.

Someone gave you the benefit of the doubt when you were acting mean and ugly when your life seemed to be falling apart.

Someone cared enough to call and check on you when you had checked out and darkness was creeping in.

Kindness is powerful. It has the ability to bring about change; to turn someone’s life around for the better.

Be kind because it’s the right thing to do. It feels good. It makes others feel good.

I think about how Jesus was kind to the woman at the well. I think about how His being kind changed her life. -John 4

I think of the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus’ kindness saved her from the crowd. -John 8

I think about how Joseph was kind to his bothers after they betrayed him. -Genesis 50

I think of how David was kind to Saul’s relative Mephibosheth even after everything Saul did to harm David. -2 Samuel 9

It may sound crazy to others, but it sounds beautiful to God.

Each of us holds the power to bring about change with a single act of kindness. Imagine what we could do if we were intentional with kindness. Whose life will you impact when you are kind to them? Whose life will be impacted by seeing you be kind to others, especially when you are well within your right to be angry or unpleasant because of how they treated you?

Let’s give it a try and be kind for kindness sake. Let’s smile, compliment, serve, encourage, forgive, protect, give, be compassionate, be considerate, extend grace… and on and on.

Kindness is powerful.


Kellye Marie